Plants for pet


Welcome to Plants for pets our natural heaven for the well-being of our beloved furry friends! We invite you to explore a world of natural and healthy solutions for the best care of your faithful companions.


Cannabis Pet Online Store

Here, you will find a carefully curated selection of products enriched with CBD, a compound known for its therapeutic and relaxing benefits. From delicious treats to oils and balms, each item we offer is designed with your pet’s well-being in mind.

Plants for pets share your love for animals and are committed to providing you with options that can naturally and effectively enhance their quality of life.

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Our Product

In our commitment to provide the best for your pets, we have created a range of cosmetics that combines the power of CBD, derived from hemp, with high-quality natural ingredients. Our products are carefully formulated to offer a unique, gentle, and effective care experience.

Our line of CBD-based dietary supplements for pets is a step forward on the path to a healthier and more balanced life for your loyal friends. Our products can make a difference in the lives of your pets, providing them with optimal quality of life and promoting their overall well-being.


Cosmetics and Ointments

Original price was: €10.00.Current price is: €7.00.
Original price was: €10.00.Current price is: €7.00.
Original price was: €10.99.Current price is: €7.99.
Original price was: €12.50.Current price is: €9.50.
Original price was: €12.50.Current price is: €9.50.

Foods Supplyment

Original price was: €14.90.Current price is: €11.75.
Original price was: €14.90.Current price is: €11.75.
Original price was: €14.90.Current price is: €11.75.

About Us Plants for pets

Plants for pets Choosing our CBD animal wellness products company is a decision that makes a difference in the lives of your pets. Quality, transparency, and effectiveness are our priorities. Our company was founded on a deep passion for animal well-being. Every product we create reflects this commitment and our dedication to making a difference in the lives of your furry companions.

We are here to help you provide your pets with a healthier and happier life. Join us on this exciting journey towards exceptional animal wellness!


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Pet News

Dangers of Pets Ingesting Cannabis

While the therapeutic use of cannabis for pets is a growing area of interest, the [...]

CBD Oil for Pets: A Natural Solution?

CBD or cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound found in hemp and cannabis plants that is [...]

Get to Know: what is CBD Calming Blam for pets

CBD calming balm for pets is a product designed to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and [...]

The Legal Landscape of Cannabis Use in Veterinary Medicine

As cannabis laws evolve, the legal framework surrounding its use in veterinary medicine becomes increasingly [...]

Exploring Cannabinoid Receptors in Your Dog’s Body

Understanding the presence and function of cannabinoid receptors in dogs can shed light on the [...]

Exploring the Potential of Cannabis for Pets: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, the conversation around cannabis has expanded beyond human consumption to include its [...]

CBD Pet Balms: Calmness, Repair, and Strengthening for Your Pet

In our quest for natural and effective solutions, CBD pet balms have become an increasingly [...]

Benefits of Cod Liver Oil with CBD for Pets: Nutrition and Well-being all in One

When it comes to keeping our pets happy and healthy, nutrition is key. Cod liver [...]